“Worst Ever” CPU bug affect virtually all computers appropriately name Meltdown and Spectre

Security, Software, Web Wise


If you’re reading this on some device (yes even your little iPhone), you are most likely affected by this.

Since your probably in a hurry, will get to the point at hand.

Everything from smartphones and PCs to cloud computing affected by major security flaw found in Intel and other processors – and fix could slow devices

What do you need to do?
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New Zero-Day Java Bug affects all Windows PCs and Macs

Security, Web Wise

hacker-image-blog A critical zero-day vulnerability has been found in all versions of Java, developed by Oracle.  Java is an application on your computer that can be used by many applications and including web browsers. 

This security vulnerability affects almost every computer. It allows hackers to install malware or other unwanted programs on your computer without you knowing it. They can elevate the permission on the computer which would allow them to do whatever they wanted.
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