Why Are Companies Still Getting Hacked?

Security, Web Wise

It seems to be a recurring theme lately. We either hear in the news or read on social media that some other company has been hacked.  We all heard about the big Target breach which leaked personal data of 110 million (1/3 of US population) customers.

But many other companies have been hacked as well, but don’t make the big headlines like the Target breach.  Recently Kickstarter (respected crowd funding site), Snapchat and Skype’s social media accounts are among some of the other companies joining the hack attack crowd.

There are two simple answers to why this continues to occur.

  1. Criminal hacking, AKA as Crackers, is a full-time business that operates 24/7/365. While you sleep their still working. And the focus for these “businesses” is to get real dollars in the fastest way possible.  So they focus on the most popular companies with the largest audience for greatest gain.
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Beware of Heartbleed/OpenSSL Vulnerability Phishing Scams

News, Security, Web Wise

It seems like whenever there is a major virus outbreak or vulnerability announced, such as the Heartbleed vulnerability, scammers and malicious hackers are not too far behind trying to cash in on the moment and innocent.

Here is a phishing email (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing) recently received in one of my not-so-important email accounts. One that is used mainly for signing up for things like demos of products or coupons and promo codes.

Usually those places end up re-selling your email account, thus increase spam/phishing emails directed to that account. So I never use any of my main/important email accounts in those situations and neither should you.

Below is the subject and body of the message, along with a screen capture of what it looked like.

SUBJECT OF SPAM MESSAGE: Heartbleed/OpenSSL vulnerability: password change recommended


BODY OF SPAM MESSAGE: (hyperlinks removed for precaution)

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Top 5 Tips on How to Receive Your First $100 Dollar Check from Google

Computer Tips, Software, Web Wise


As this photo of my actual check proves, receiving free money from Google is very possible. This is actually my second check received from Google in less than two years. Is this a lot of money for two years?

It is not, but at the same time I have done little to nothing on the couple websites that are allowing Google services to run on them. Very basic content has been written and published, but the revenue from Google is paying for several hosting and domain renewal fees on sites I run.

This allows me to keep those websites running for free and as time permits I add new content or refresh the current content which will draw improve SEO and draw in more traffic, ultimately increasing the number of checks received per year from Google.

Content (text, images) is probably one of the most overlooked improvements one can make to a website. Its a service Northwoods Web Designs can offer, find more details on Web Content Writing Services here.

You’re probably asking yourself, how do you get a check from Google Inc? The answer lies within their Google AdSense program. Google’s AdSense displays ads relevant to your Website to visitors. Google cuts a check when you reach $100 in earnings.
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New Zero-Day Java Bug affects all Windows PCs and Macs

Security, Web Wise

hacker-image-blog A critical zero-day vulnerability has been found in all versions of Java, developed by Oracle.  Java is an application on your computer that can be used by many applications and including web browsers. 

This security vulnerability affects almost every computer. It allows hackers to install malware or other unwanted programs on your computer without you knowing it. They can elevate the permission on the computer which would allow them to do whatever they wanted.
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