Receive a Mail Delivery Failed Error When Sending Message to Hotmail or Outlook Mail Accounts

Hosting, Web Wise

Stop SpamThe other day I received a Mail Delivery Failed message from clients that were using Hotmail and email accounts.

Those that were using Google, Yahoo or others received the message just fine.

The error details included:

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients.
This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL SIZE=2169:
host []: 550 SC-001 (COL0-MC6-F24) Unfortunately, messages from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX weren’t sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to /mail /troubleshooting.aspx#errors.

After researching this a bit I found out that Microsoft has implemented a rather autonomous spam filtering system that as you see in the message, my server/IP address was not blocked due to spam activities , it was simply part of a an IP network.

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 “Worst Ever” CPU bug affect virtually all computers appropriately name Meltdown and Spectre

Security, Software, Web Wise


If you’re reading this on some device (yes even your little iPhone), you are most likely affected by this.

Since your probably in a hurry, will get to the point at hand.

Everything from smartphones and PCs to cloud computing affected by major security flaw found in Intel and other processors – and fix could slow devices

What do you need to do?
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WordPress Plugins Found Hiding a Backdoor – Is Your Site Secure?

Hosting, Security, Web Wise

This is an unfortunate example of why you need a good maintenance plan for your website, such as our Maintenance +Security plans we offer.

Security issues that could degrade your site like this pop up for all types of websites powered by content management systems.  Not to scare anyone into spending money, but need to be aware and be informed of how your website may be at risk, regardless of what web company you happen to work with.

The backdoor code in all three plugins works in a very similar way by calling to a remote server and inserting content and links on the affected sites. Experts believe the backdoor code is used to inject hidden SEO spam (cloaked links) on affected sites that help improve the search engine ranking of other sites.


Why make a website mobile-friendly? — Small Business Guide

Web Wise

Source: Why make a website mobile-friendly? — Webmaster’s Mobile Guide

There are outstanding statistics that give good reason to make a website mobile-friendly.  In the USA, 94% of people with smartphones search for local information on their phones. And of those 77% of mobile searches occur  at a place of home or work place, where desktop or laptop devices are likely present.

source: : comparison of not so mobile-friendly site vs a mobile-friendly site

If that is not enough reasoning to have a mobile-friendly site, than the change Google made this April to its search algorithm should

convince you.

Google made a huge change to its search algorithm (effective on 4/21/2015) that affects all sites that are not mobile friendly.

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Responsive Web Design (RWD) – The Mobile Friendly Website Fundamentals

Web Wise, Website Tips

Mobile devices have been around for a while, but they were never used in a way (and to such a degree) as they are today. Surfing the web with these mobile devices has grown at a stellar pace, and for the first time will outnumber desktops and laptops starting this year. And most sites on the web are not optimized for these smaller screens.

Responsive web design, also known as mobile friendly design, assures that the website is responsive to any display size and adjusts accordingly to assure optimum viewing for any device.  For example, take our site ( Northwoods Web Designs ) shown below in different devices,  is designed with responsive in mind.

Responsive Web Designs


Similar to a chameleon per se, it will adjust the layout, navigation and content of what is displayed based on the size of the screen to assure the best viewing experience regardless of screen size.

To account for these smaller screens,

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