How to Add/Delete an Email Forwarder (Legacy Email Services) Print

  • email forwarder, webmail
  • 25

*This article applies to legacy email services and is no longer supported. If you have been migrated to the new email services platform, please visit our new support documentation.

All of our hosting plans included unlimited email forwarders, which are not full mail accounts as they do not store any email on NWD Mail System.  Your hosting account will simply forward the email to your own personal email service provider (Hotmail / Gmail etc..), or another mail account on your hosting plan if purchase.  

 Steps to login to your Client Area and ADD a Forwarder

  1. Login to the client area:
  2. Under “Your Active Products/Service”, select your [hosting related] service.
  3. You will now be on the Product Details page.
  4. Under Quick Shortcuts, select "Forwarders".
  5. All forwarders previously setup will be displayed here. 
  6. Click the "Add Forwarder" button
  7. Enter only the first part of the email address (John, Susie, Sales etc...)
  8. Then enter the email address you want it forwarded.
  9. Finally, click "Add Forwarder", repeat the steps if you want to add additional forwarders. 


 Steps to login to your Client Area and DELETE an email account

  1. Login to the client area:
  2. Under “Your Active Products/Service”, select your service.
  3. You will now be on the Product Details page.
  4. Under Quick Shortcuts, select "Forwarders".
  5. All forwarders previously setup will be displayed here. 
  6. Find the email forwarder you would like to delete, and click the "Delete" link.
  7. Confirm you would like to delete it by clicking the "Delete Forwarder" button on the page that comes up. 

These complete the steps to either Add or Delete email forwarders. 

Many accounts come with managed hosting services, so you can simply submit a ticket and we will be happy to obtain information or setup/delete an email forwarder on your behalf.

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