Website Design in Crandon, WI

"Expert Web Design & Development in Crandon Wisconsin"
A company's website is one of its most visible and valuable ways of communicating with current and potential customers.

Northwoods Web Designs knows you don't just want a beautifully designed website, but one that actually works for you in turning potential customers into actual customers. Northwoods Web Designs takes pride in providing this for you.

Our custom developed sites are crafted using the latest technologies and SEO standards to assure your business will be found on the web attracting new customers providing an excellent ROI.

Save your money. Technology has advanced so much in web design, that there is no need to hire out large web companies that miss the mark on your expectations but can guarantee to leave you with a smaller wallet.

Our process for designing custom websites and accounting for each customer's unique needs is so thorough; we are able to offer affordable pay monthly website design plans with the price stated up front and ready for purchase. Easy to budget for with no unexpected expenses.



PREP > Information Gathering & Planning: defining the purpose of the website
The most important part of the process, understanding the organization and how the website will benefit it. This is where we gather as much information as possible and even complete our own research in the industry. We take into consideration the purpose, goals, target audience and other information in order to design the layout/content of the site that we will present in the next step.

BUILD > Design & Development: creating the website
We will use our design expertise to create a great looking, creative, and unique layout that is geared toward your target audience and website purpose.  We can produce a website ready for review rather quickly by using multiple technologies to improve the quality and effectiveness of our design process.

90% of clients accept initial proposed design as is, with minor adjustments, leading to launching their website and seeing results very quickly

We will present your new proposed website ready to view online in your very own staging area, where we will tweak further as necessary, seeing changes in real time.

LAUNCH > Test and Delivery: crossing "t's" and dotting "i's"

Increase your online presence At this point the design and development of the website will be nearly complete, and the process of testing all of the site components will occur.

Upon successful completion of all testing and client sign off, the website will be launched for the public to see.

Our included launch guide will walk help you announce your new designed website to many different outlets including social media, classic email and other avenues.

MAINTAIN > Maintenance and Promoting: assuring continued success over time

Increase your online presenceYour site is now up and running, but the work is far from over. In order for a website to be successful you have to get people to see it and continue to update content that will be relevant to your audience.

Many different things can be done to increase traffic and promote your site. We will provide some guidance to help do this.

There will most likely be adjustments that need to be made from time to time in order to keep your site up to date and functioning properly.

If your site has been developed with a content management system (CMS) you can login to your website and make updates and changes to it or have us do it.

Our Web Care (Hosting, Maintenance & Security) Service Plans provide secure web hosting, ongoing backups, security updates and patches to your website, including any updates to coding, plugins or themes neccessary to stay secure, even when the technology changes.

With this service you can rest assure your online presence is taken care of and does not get dinged in search rankings by the major search engines for not having up-to-date standard code. 

Are you ready for your professional online presence?

  • Northwoods Web Designs Provides Free QuotesFree Web Design Quote

  • +Your Web Development Partner

    Meet Your Web DeveloperFrom initial concepts to the final launch, I'll personally guide you through every step of designing, developing, and launching your website, supported by a talented team committed to your project's success.
    Owner / Northwoods Web Designs

  • +What Does a Website Cost?

    A website can typically cost between $3,000 to $20,000, depending on various factors such as your goals, expectations, and the functionalities you require. To ensure that we meet your requirements and expectations, please let us know your budget range. However, if you prefer to keep your budget private, we can provide a basic or verbal quote instead. We also offer discounts to small businesses and non-profit organizations.

  • +Does Your Website Need a Redesign?

    Beat the competition with a fresh, new redesign. It is generally recommended to consider redesigning your website every 3-5 years to keep up with evolving design standards and meet the expectations of your visitors and stay compliant with current web standards.

  • +Mobile Website Design

    Customers are continuously on the go, and allowing them access to your information from anywhere, at any time is important. A new mobile site can be created with these features.

    Responsive design automatically adjusts for optimum viewing and navigation on mobile phone
    Allows customer to call directly by clicking on your phone number
    Allows customers to obtain quick access to directions
    Easier to navigate then a traditional website

  • +All Our Clients are V.I.P.

    All designs include a review and approval process that assures we meet your expectations and final product works as expected. You don't get handed off to multiple people (sales, designer, developer, support, other). This reduces overhead costs substantially and gives you a single point of person for contact throughout the entire process.