Advantages of Mobile Website Optimization

Website Tips


If you look around you will see nearly everybody with a smartphone such as a Android or iPhone. According to recent study by Pew Research Center report nearly two-thirds of Americans now one which they use to access the Internet on a regularly basis for viewing websites.

In order to provide an optimum experience for all these folks, websites need to be mobile friendly to ensure that the website is optimized for smartphone display.

There are a number of advantages, besides not losing out on business, when you have an mobile friendly optimized site that should help convince you of the need.

Faster Download Speed

Mobile websites are designed (coded) specifically for mobile standards and optimal download speed, which means less waiting and more browsing your services or products.

Improved User Experience

Nobody wants to browser a desktop website on their mobile phone. In fact Google will rank your website lower in search results if it is not mobile friendly. According to  mobile website usability , it proves mobile-optimized websites improve user experience and satisfaction which is important as we all know how important first impressions are.

Better Engagement

A mobile website is geared to show optimum call to actions such as click-to-call to improve user engagement.

Improved Search/SEO performance

A mobile website provides improved rankings on mobile-friendly search engines such as Google and Bing, and also allows placement in a growing number of mobile and local directories just for being mobile-friendly.


A mobile website can be accessed from anywhere. No longer is your website limited to laptops or desktops. This provides the ability for your website to be accessed by more people more often.

Competitive Advantage

If you website doesn’t look good on a mobile display users will typically opt out quickly and move on to one that does. Get the competitive edge by making sure your website is mobile friendly.

More Flexible and Cost-Effective Than App Development

There is no need to have a custom app build for Android, iPhone or other mobile phone platforms to showcase your services and products. A well mobile friendly optimized site is all you need and will provide the usability needed for a small display. Showing only key items so the user can take action on them quickly.

Really Don’t Have a Choice Anymore

**Updated** Now more then 52% of website traffic is accessed via a mobile phone

From the latest statistics, more then 50% of website traffic is accessed via a mobile phone.  So unless you don’t care about the 50% of the population accessing your website effectively, its not really an option like it was years ago.  The world changes, and this is a big one when it comes to online website development. Northwoods Web Designs builds all new websites with Responsive Web Design in mind.

Thinking About Developing a Mobile Website?

If you’d like to learn more about developing a mobile-friendly website for your organization, simply let us know by contacting us for a free consult. We’ll be happy to learn more about your needs and offer recommendations.

As you can see, optimizing your website to assure its mobile friendly not only has a ton of advantages, but its no longer a choice to not do it.